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Atlantan Opens Jamaican Restaurant in China
Glendon Thompson

Trevor Williams - Reporter
Global Atlanta - 07.27.07

On July 8, 2006 with the Chinese government’s Red Army Band playing reggae music in the background, Glendon Thompson (center) cut the ribbon to mark the opening of Cho-Cho Jamaican Restaurant in Hangzhou, China.

An Atlanta businessman has added some spice to Georgia-China relations by opening a Jamaican restaurant July 8 in one of China’s southeastern coastal provinces.

Glendon Thompson
, managing director of Arcom Group Inc., which uses technology to help other companies to increase energy efficiency and environmental responsibility, owns the newly established Cho-Cho Jamaican Restaurant in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province.

After his first trip to China in July 2006, Mr. Thompson started a company there called Hangzhou Arcom Investment and Consulting Company, which “stands ready to provide a bridge and office presence to the small- and mid-sized companies in the Atlanta metro area,” he told GlobalAtlanta in an email interview from Hangzhou. 

The Hangzhou arm of Arcom aims to reduce air and water pollution in China and provides a cultural bridge for American businesses that want to go into China “toe-first,” Mr. Thompson said.His ideas for both the business and the restaurant stemmed from his love for the Chinese people and his desire to integrate two cultures that make up parts of his personal heritage.

Mr. Thompson is one-fourth Chinese. His Chinese grandfather migrated from China to British Hong Kong and then on to British Jamaica.  Mr. Thompson wanted to raise the international profile of his island homeland, which he says is far from famous in China. 

“I wanted to introduce Jamaica to China. Most of the mainland Chinese I spoke to only new Jamaica as where people who run fast originated,” Mr. Thompson said.  “Chinese like to eat and socialize, so I chose food as the first vehicle to introduce Jamaica, and the music is introduced while they eat.” 

2007-Glendon Thompson presenting China-US collaboration in Energy Saving Technology and Business in Suzhou People's Republic of China

2007-Atlanta-Chengdu Panda Festival

7-30-2007 Arcom Group, Inc. Press Release


Arcom Group opens for business in China

2009 - YEA 40 member performance tour of China

          - “Cultures of the Caribbean” African, Asian, European blend   (

          - US representation agreement with 2,200 year old Chinese Lantern Festival


2008 - “One World Business and Cultural Exchange”  Three way MOUs

signed with various Chinese cities, Atlanta Development Authority and private company

  - “Cultures of the Caribbean” African, Asian, European blend

          - First Jamaican restaurant in China

          - Developed education relationships for Fulton County in Chengdu, China


2007 - Chengdu-Atlanta “Panda Business and Culture Festival”   

   - “Cultures of the Caribbean” African, Asian, European blend

          - Speech on US-China Cooperation in renewable energy application


2006 - Representation agreement with Sichuan University

          - “Cultures of the Caribbean” African, Asian, European blend




2009 Cultures of the Caribbean


2009 Cultures of the Caribbean


Lantern Festival Agreement




Youth Ensemble of Atlanta in China arranged by Glendon Thompson


Nantong signing ceremony 2

Nantong - 3 party MOU


Tongzhou - 3 party MOU


Liayang - 3 party MOU


First Jamaican restaurant in China


Building educational relationships for Fulton county in Chengdu




Chengdu-Atlanta  Panda Business & Cultural Festival


Chengdu-Atlanta  Panda Business & Cultural Festival


China-US environmental cooperation speech- Suzhou

Copy (2) of IACO_0039

“Cultures of Caribbean” Irish and English unity through love of Caribbean


“Cultures of Caribbean-Asian, African, European”

Representation agreement with Sichuan University

Georgia Company signs Sino-World student/cultural exchange agreement with Chinese University

Atlanta , Georgia -- August 28, 2006

Metro-Atlanta Company ARCOM Group, Inc has signed a major student/cultural exchange agreement with the Sichuan University in Chengdu , China .  ARCOM Group, Inc. may represent the university worldwide in seeking to improve Sino-World cultural understanding.

  wpe3.jpg (82799 bytes)

Sichuan University is a key comprehensive university directly under the State Ministry of Education. It incorporated three key universities, namely, the former Sichuan University , Chengdu University of Science & Technology (CUST) and West China University of Medical Sciences (WCUMS).  

With more than 100 years of history, the University has laid a sound foundation for and has built a high reputation in academic research and learning. Now the school offers courses in 9 major fields of study including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and technology and medical sciences. It has a total of 12000 faculty members, including over 900 professors, 5 academicians of the Academia Sinica and the Academy of Engineering of China , 10 members of the State Council Academic Degree Committee and 328 tutors of doctorate students. The university has 42000 students, including 27000-odd undergraduates, 5700-odd graduates and 300-odd overseas students.  

Mr. Glendon Thompson has over 25 years of business experience, in the information technology, construction design/build, energy conservation and tourism fields. His professional career spans ownership, management, systems analysis, architectural design, development, implementation and maintenance of several business systems, energy conservation and construction projects.  

Glendon Thompson, M.Sc. Facilities Management. Founder and President of:  Arcom Group Inc. (1989); International Association of Caribbean Organizations (2004); Hangzhou Arcom Business Consulting Company (2006); US-China International Investment Association (2008) and is President of the US (15 Cities) and Atlanta Chinese Lantern Festival organizations, specializes in environmentally friendly technology, intergovernmental, cultural events, B2C and B2B relationships. He has lead business and government delegations to China and has given speeches on intergovernmental and ecological harmony in China. Trained as a computer scientist and architect and of Jamaican-Chinese descent he has been involved in several international events that promote culture and business. He exhibits his commitment to the international community by his support of NGOs in his native Jamaica; his membership in the City of Atlanta Advisory Committee on International Relations; his membership in the South African American Business Association of the USA, Inc.; his membership in the National Association of Chinese Americans; his co-production of the 2007 Atlanta(USA)-Chengdu(China) Panda Festival including Friendship City agreements; he lead the Youth Ensemble of Atlanta to China on a performance tour in 2009 and is co-producing the 2,200 year old Chinese Lantern Festival in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. UNESCO World Heritage Site Dazu, Chongqing China ancient Chinese (cave) rock carving tour in USA.

If you or your organization is interested in this cultural exchange program with the Sichuan University please contact:

Glendon Thompson
ARCOM Group, Inc.

# # #


l-r: Ambassador Andrew Young, civil rights leader, "lieutenant" of Martin Luther King, Glendon Thompson

l-r: 2008-Mr. Zhou Wenzhong, Chinese Ambassador to USA; Glendon Thompson

l-r: Basil Haslett, Northern Ireland businessman; Martin Rickerd, MBE British Consul General; Glendon Thompson, Jim Maddox, Atlanta City Councilman; Jim Gaffey Irish-American businessman.

Copy of IMG_0145.JPG (67907 bytes) Mr. Thompson being presented Panda adoption papers.  


picturewithmayorfranklinandgt.JPG (77723 bytes) ARCOM Group President Glendon Thompson with Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin.

Glendon Thompson meeting with Nobel Peace Prize winner John Hume. 

Gov Perdue Canadian Consulate General Malcolm McKechnie GT.jpg (129876 bytes) Glendon Thompson with Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue, Canadian Consulate General Malcolm McKechnie.

scan0001.jpg (125038 bytes) From left Glendon Thompson, (President of IACO and member of National Association of Chinese Americans-NACA), Mr. Yeshun Hu (Consul General, Consulate General of The People's Republic of China in Houston), Henry Yu (President of NACA), Wei Hu (Vice President of NACA).

scan0007.jpg (102137 bytes)   Glendon Thompson with Sylvia Henry-Ashley V.P. Business Development Good Works International; Hon. Vin Martin, honorary Consul of Jamaica and Chairman of the Atlanta-Montego Bay Sister Cities Commission; Desmond McKenzie Mayor of Kingston Jamaica.